Redacted Anthology: Research Transcripts

Transcripts from the Audio Diaries of researcher Dr. David Smalls

Subject: Matthew Daley

Source: Los Angeles Police Department


Natural Observation Case 347: Subject: Matthew Daley Date :October 3rd 2015

Matthew’s parents are concerned about him, they say he’s spend his days playing a video game he received in the mail recently and done little else. There are obvious concerns that this might be the infamous deadly video game that’s been circling around recently. It took some convincing but I finally got them to agree to let me study the effects the game has on him without his knowledge. All under the guise of trying to find a way to stop the negative effects from happening, of course.


Natural Observation Case 347: Subject: Matthew Daley Date: October 5th 2015

The hidden cameras have all been set up around the house. I have several in Matthew’s bedroom, and scattered all around the house. For obvious reasons, I’ve placed no cameras in the house’s bathrooms. Matthew has no idea what is happening and I’ll be able to watch his every move moving forward.


Natural Observation Case 347: Subject: Matthew Daley Date: October 9th 2015

Matthew came home from school today and went immediately to his room and put the headset on. For a second I thought the footage froze but I confirmed with several of the cameras in his room that there was no error. Matthew spent the hours of 5pm to 2am sitting completely still in his chair, headset on. At one point his mother walked in to ask him if he wanted dinner, she was ignored completely.


Natural Observation Case 347: Subject: Matthew Daley Date: October 12th 2015

Today I witnessed Matthew urinate himself while sitting in his chair. Not once during the process did he flinch or even attempt to make his way to the restroom. The footage shows the true addictive nature this game must have. To deny one’s own primal needs so blatantly. I’ve never seen anything like it.


Natural Observation Case 347: Subject: Matthew Daley Date: October 16thth 2015

Up until now I have instructed Matthew’s parents to leave Matthew to his own devices. I’ve assured them I would tell them should any dangerous activities present themselves. I was able to convince them that the defecation and urination was typical behavior in situations such as these. Well, no one ever won a Nobel prize being honest.


Natural Observation Case 347: Subject: Matthew Daley Date: October 20thth 2015

Matthew did not play his game today. Instead he walked straight up to one of my cameras and stared into it for four hours. I could feel his gaze on me the entire time. It was the hardest footage I’ve had to watch thus far.


Natural Observation Case 347: Subject: Matthew Daley Date: October 24h 2015

Matthew knows he is being watched. That much is clear, he has taken to not playing the game in his bedroom anymore but taking it to the restroom where he knows I am not watching. I will not let this experiment get away from me. Perhaps it’s time to start pulling some more strings.


Natural Observation Case 347: Subject: Matthew Daley Date: October 27h 2015

I instructed Matthew’s parents to confiscate the game. I have never seen such rage before. As soon as they lifted the headset off his head Matthew attacked like a feral dog, thrashing wildly, knocking over his desk and charging at his mother. If it wasn’t for his dad tackling him to the ground and holding him there I have no doubt that he would have tried to kill his mother.


Natural Observation Case 347: Subject: Matthew Daley Date: October 28h 2015

Matthew sat in his bed all day today holding his knees and rocking back and forth. His parents took everything from him. The boy has completely lost it and at first I thought it was time to call the ambulances. Then he began muttering to himself. It was the same two words over and over again. When I played the audio back a chill ran down my spine. He was repeating my name.


Natural Observation Case 347: Subject: Matthew Daley Date: October 31st 2015

Matthew has disappeared. At approximately midnight every last one of my cameras went black, two minutes later the images returned and Matthew was no where to be found. His parents have finally given in and called the police. A wise decision.


Natural Observation Case 347: Subject: Matthew Daley Date: November 7th 2015

Matthew visited me tonight. I woke up at 3 in the morning to a knocking at my door. I went to look through my peephole and heard him immediately, still repeating my name. I told him to go home or that I was going to call the police. He didn’t stop. I called the police and they showed up 20 minutes later to find no trace of the boy. All that they found was a small unmarked package on my doorstep. Inside was Matthew’s video game.


Natural Observation Case 347: Subject: Matthew Daley Date: November 10thth 2015

Matthew visits me every night at 3:00 am. Every night I am woken up to the whispers of my name from outside my door, the police are sending an officer to stay in my home tonight, to try and catch him when he returns.



The final audio diary has never been released by the investigators. Purportedly it begins with Matthew arriving at the door at 3:00 am and what follows is the gruesome murder of David Smalls and Officer James Howell. The contents have been deemed too disturbing for the public and there are no plans to release the tape in the immediate future. Matthew Daley remains missing.

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